Friday, April 27, 2007

Tips to optimize a website for search engines

Search engine optimization is nothing but design and develop a website in accordance to the requirements of search engines. Don't play your game with Search engines just try to play their game their way. A well optimized site can get good search engine rankings and can drive high traffic to itself.

There are two types of optimization methods;
1. On-page optimization
2. Off-page optimization

On-page optimization basically deals with the design and development of website. The work you do to the pages of website for optimizing it is called on-page optimization.

A well designed website can attract the attention of visitors and search engines.
Content written for the website also plays important role in the optimization of a website. It is said that content is king. The content you have on your website tells your visitors the motive of your website. It should be clear to your visitors what the site is created for. The content must not have duplicate and must have uniqueness.

Off-page optimization is nothing but building links to your website. This links may be one-way links, two-way links (reciprocal links or exchange links), three way links. There are lots of ways to build and get links to your website.

You can do it yourself or may hire the services of a professional Search Engine optimizer.


N K Jain said...

Very Nice tips for Website Optimization. I am waiting for your next post.

subrahmanyam said...

GOOD I also want U R group